A bridge for social impact funding and development in Africa

Startit is an African reward-based crowd funding platform that allows African university students raise funding for social development project

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Support students in their mission to uplift communities and fight poverty through your contributions to fund their projects.


Join students in their efforts to raise funds for projects dedicated to community development and poverty alleviation

startit logo

We are a diverse and passionate team of innovators, social entrepreneurs, and technologists who share a common purpose.
Our journey began in 2013 when we first conceptualized Startit, a powerful platform to bridge the resource gap and empower visionary individuals making social initiatives across the continent.


To connect funding around the world to verified social initiatives across Africa using technology.


To be a bridge that brings people together to ignite positive change and foster social development in Africa.

Our Objectives
  • Empower Visionaries

    Our foremost objective is to empower visionary individuals and social entrepreneurs. We aim to provide them with the resources, tools, and support they need to turn their innovative ideas into actionable solutions that address pressing social challenges in Africa.

  • Bridge the Resource Gap

    We aspire to bridge the resource gap that often hinders impactful initiatives. By connecting project initiators with contributors, investors, and mentors, our platform facilitates access to the funding and expertise required to bring social development projects to life.

  • Foster Collaboration

    We are dedicated to fostering a collaborative spirit within our community. Our objective is to create an environment where like-minded individuals and organizations can come together to share knowledge, experiences, and resources. This collaborative approach magnifies the impact of social initiatives.

  • Promote Youth Engagement

    We believe that young people are a driving force for change. Our objective is to actively engage and empower the youth of Africa, encouraging them to leverage their creativity, skills, and passion to serve a greater good profitably.

  • Support Sustainable Development

    Our platform promotes the concept of sustainability in social development. We aim to support initiatives that not only create immediate impact but also have a long-lasting effect, contributing to the long-term well-being of communities and the environment.

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Startit Features

Users can create profiles for their social projects, detailing their goals, impact, and funding requirements.

Project Showcase Project Showcase Project Showcase Project Showcase

Startit incorporates crowdfunding features, allowing innovators to launch campaigns to secure the necessary funds for their projects

Fundraising Tools Fundraising Tools Fundraising Tools Fundraising Tools

The platform incorporates tools to measure and track the impact of social projects over time.

Social Impact Metrics Social Impact Metrics Social Impact Metrics Social Impact Metrics

Startit invests in building a vibrant, engaged community of like-minded individuals and organizations passionate about social development in Africa.

Community Building Community Building Community Building Community Building

Our Story

Startit is set up to give access to resources: money and expertise. A considerable number of innovative social projects and initiatives never see the light of day due to lack of access to funding and expert mentorship. A major problem for social development especially in Africa where the young population is often underemployed and mostly unemployed, exacerbating the potential for social unreels.

We have our share of travails developing Startit. We have run out of money as a start-up, we have also misidentified our target market. We have had to suspend development of Startit for years. Abandonment was a no-no for us, instead we had to look into the problems we encountered trying to solve the problem we were set up to solve in the first place.

In fixing our earlier problems, we discovered an additional service the market demanded: verification of persons behind the projects we are promoting. This has become the number 1 unique selling point of Startit- the verification of all initiatives on Startit. This give trust and safety to users on the platform. We have also decided that all our operations will be technology driven to enable higher efficiency. We now look forward to being here for a very long time.

The future is bright. We foresee Startit being a part of life in Africa. We foresee sharing of ideas for social initiatives becoming popular amongst young people in Africa. In fact, in future one should be just printout or share straight from Startit, a certification to show ones contribution to the social development at ones community. Young people will begin to brag about contributing.

Get started for free

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